What if…. You stopped trying to “keep it out” and also stopped trying so hard to “let it in.”
And realised that you already are what you’ve been searching for until now…
There is something much, much bigger than you and I.
Call it whatever you want. It is indescribable. Undefinable. Limitless. Unexplainable.
Some say it is Love. Some say it is Truth. Some say it is God. Energy. Life-force. Soul. Spirit.
Whatever it is – it is freely given.
No one controls it. No one has the key. There are no conditions of entry. No VIP sections. No 21 step programs to follow. No copyrights. No exclusivity.
And there is no single path to follow other than your own. Because every step that each of us take, is creating in the moment, the path we are walking.
Yet so many of us are afraid to step into the unknown. To push beyond the safety of our boundaries and our comfort zones.
So many are afraid to find out what they really are made of. Not flesh and bones or brains and brawn. Those parts of us will grow and decay in the fullness of time.
To bravely move “beyond”. To go further than what you can see. To start trusting your inner torch that lights the way with every step you take. That is to live beyond your beliefs and boundaries.
As the song goes – “this darkness, is nothing but a lack of light”.
Whatever you may believe, there is freedom in the Truth… that “you don’t have to believe to belong.”
Because we are here, now, connected.
That is more than enough for me.
In my travels over the past year I have been so grateful to have deeply connected with humans that have such different experiences, perspectives and beliefs to me. And I am, ever day, in awe of the capacity to love and be loved by someone who does not believe what I believe.
It is why these words are so important to me. That “you don’t have to believe to belong”.
That you are human. That you are trying. That you are with me.
That…is enough for love to take place.
I am hopeful of the day when more people believe, that you don’t have to believe to belong. That it is in our differences that we are stronger. And in our connectedness that we are truly alive.
Our world is so much bigger and brighter when beliefs cease to be used as barriers – but as bridges instead.
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