Why are we so afraid to dance in front of each other?
Particularly colleagues. At least not without half a dozen drinks.
The idea is that stimulus triggers thought, thought triggers emotion and then we behave.
But that precious gap exists as the beat builds and the music swells, where you are simply feeling it. It is in that fleeting moment when life gives you a chance to shed your rubbish thoughts of being judged and just…freaking…dance. You feel it in your body and soul. The urge to break free and do what you were created to do. To move to the music in whatever way your body knows how.
That moment happens and passes with or without you. And your choice leaves you either lit up and dancing your heart out, or back in your cage wondering what it might be like to dance one day.
Why do you restrict who you really are? Numbing the possibility of being truly alive, right now in the moment, because of your limiting thoughts and beliefs? Outdated beliefs about what people will think, what they will say, hell they might even laugh at you…
…But at least you will have brought a smile to someone’s face.
While music is one of the only things that lights up our whole brain, fear is born from using the smallness of your brain. The amygdala. It makes up barely 0.3% of the volume of the human brain. That is where your fear comes from.
But You are more than your thoughts. You are bigger and more powerful than 0.3% of your brain.
Don’t just use your whole brain. Use your whole Being. Use your Gut, your Body, your Heart, your Soul, your Mind and your feet.
Dance….outrageously and without inhibition.
Dance more, think less. Let go.
No one cares about your dancing, but your freedom is contagious.
Now remind us again why we don’t sing? Why we don’t speak? Why we don’t act? Why we don’t dance?
Listening to music lights up the whole brain – Science Daily
The Effects of Music on Sports Performance – Taylor’s Strength Training
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